Don't Vote!
Don’t Vote
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In the 2020 Election, both candidates represent the same people — the One Percent, the thousand or so people who own everything — including you.
No, slavery was never abolished. It just mutated.
The policies of the Two Major Parties, those Microcephalic Political Twins, are different only in style, not in substance. — which means there is no “lesser evil” in: they are both bad. Just two different kinds of democratic cancer with different symptoms. In the end , they will kill the body politic — and maybe you too. And your kids. And your pet dog. Your gold fish will be belly up in the end.
In a democracy, voting is supposedly about “choice”. But in the US of A there is no choice. Never was.
This is not a vibrant representative democracy like New Zealand, where you real ideological pluralism, debate, dialog — and oh yeah proportional representation. THAT is “democracy”.
So, up and personal, what to do if you are American? Yes, YOU!

Don’t vote!
Boycott the elections.
If you must vote to please Mom or Dad or the wife, vote Green if you are permitted to, which is not the case in many places and certainly not likely if Biden has his druthers.
By boycotting America’s sham elections or voting Green, you send a message. When nobody votes, no one can claim a mandate.
Not voting doesn’t mean just sitting at home watching Netflix. Instead of voting, protest on the streets, engage in commercial boycotts and strikes., join groups, organize resistance. Think of ways to hurt business and the economy for that is the lifeblood of the rich, with you just getting to ransack their bins for used pizza.
The right-wing will form militias, fearing social disorder, fearing black people. Just fearing. They are just as brainwashed as so-called “liberal democrats” but underneath they have many of the same problems. You must reach out to them, look for common ground as the Black Panthers once did to the Young Patriots, working class, confederate flat wielding whites.

The Black Panthers also armed themselves. In the US of A, one thing that is respected is force. Yes, support the IRA and get yourself some AK47s.
Read up on Black Panther programs, which emphasized community self-sufficiency, sharing and policing. These are not just ideas for black people but for Hispanics, native Americans and working class whites. Focus on class, not race.
Remember the MLK only began to be listened to by white liberals, when the alternative was armed revolution, led by the Black Panthers.
The “authorities” will try to shut you down. But you cannot shut down the Left Wing without shutting down the Right — not to mention the Center.
Shunning and Shaming: Cancel Culture
“Cancel culture” is a tactic. A strategy. For the most part it is used to shut down Freedom Speech, like Facebook refusing posts from the Unz Review and other sources.
Cancel culture should never be used to throttle free speech or dialog or discussion. But it has its place in showing disapproval of institutions.
The police are institutional. They serve the One Percent and Deep State directly. Most of them don’t realize what they are doing, locked into Blue Culture — but they still live in regular communities. Hollywood and TV pretend they are heroes, risking their lives on a daily basis. But a policeman’s job is not nearly as dangerous as that of a fisherman or logger. Policemen are in less danger than anyone who comes in contact with them. Shun and shame them — neighbors or not.
When policemen come into coffee shops or diners — leave. They have a right to be there and enjoy a cup of coffee. But you have a choice, whether you want to be around them or not. They do not protect you. They do not serve you. A lot of Nazis were ordinary people too, nice people, with families they loved and kids. But tainted by their service. Nice people served at Buchenwald, too.

It was a job. But you must show them their uniform deprives them of humanity. Policing is not just another “job” — it is an ideology.
You should not insult police people or in any way impede them, but you don’t have to like them or approve of them or grovel. Yes, “cancel culture” can work. There IS a place for it! Without it, Blue Culture can brainwash its members. That is not to say that you should ever refuse the offer of honest dialog — with police people, as long as they are out of uniform. It is rare but it does happen.
Similarly, stop thanking soldiers for their “service”, too. These people are not defending the nation, they are protecting an evil empire that has killed 20 million people over a half century. Like the police, most are good people under the control of an evil institution. The Department of Offense. Thankfully, many veterans come to the same conclusions today, as they did during Vietnam. These people are heroes.
So cancel culture can work — but you have to use it, like any weapon, with care.
The Venezuelan Example

The United States cannot change unless it is willing to consider change, which means looking at other possibilities abroad. One of the best is in Venezuela..
The US of A has shown its true colors by condemning the electoral process since Chavez took over and is encouraging the extreme rightwing opposition to boycott the elections. After all, the US of A and its vassal states around the world has unilaterally appointed Juan Guaido, as President, despite his having almost no support in Venezuela. Why do you need elections when can get governments, the American Way — imperial fiat?
The US is no friend of democracy — and that is clear in its own electoral process.
Ever since Bush was appointed President by the US Supreme Court, it has been clear that the polls are manipulated. Voter registration is difficult in many states — but especially difficult for black and brown people or the poor or the elderly. Felons are usually deprived of their right to vote and lists drawn up purging them from voter lists — lists that include a huge number of non-felons. There have been allegations of irregularities with voting machines for years — and they have a lot of substance — since there is no way of checking. No audits. No investigation of companies handling the voting machines, as was done in Venezuela leading to the ouster of Smartmatic. Of course, you have the traditional system of gerrymandering.
It’s not just the Republicans that play this game, although they are very good at it. Democrats do it too. For example, the Democrats have sought to get the Green Party kicked off the Ballot wherever they are registered.
One man, one vote? That was not the principle on which the US was founded. Which is why you also have the Electoral College.
Now contrast the US system with that of Venezuela, which Obama and Trump both condemned as “rigged” and “undemocratic”.
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter said: “Of the 92 elections that we’ve monitored, I would say that the election process in Venezuela is the best in the world.”
The Venezuelas have a National ID card system and….
All registered Venezuelans need to vote with their national ID card with their unique ID number, photo, and fingerprint on. The card can even be expired.
Yes, people convicted of major crimes who have served their time can vote.
Venezuela’s entire electoral process has and will go through 16 different audits per process. These audits include auditing of the electoral register, the software, the voting books, the hardware, etc. Each audit is not only presided over by international observers, but also representatives of each participating political party. It is common for representatives from right-wing parties which later criticize the electoral process to make use of their right to send representatives to each audit, signing that they are happy with proceedings at the end.
Every effort is made to ensure access to polling stations.
And the Supreme Court has mandated reforms to promote political pluralism — “new norms for proportional representation”.
Voter will elect 277 deputies for the 2021–2026 period, 110 more than in the current term. The CNE will not change the 87 electoral districts that currently exist. Out of the 277 AN deputies, 48 will for the first time be elected via a national list, and the rest in the 87 constituencies with a 52–48 split between electoral lists and individual nominations.
The reforms follow a ruling by the Supreme Court last month striking down two articles of the country’s electoral law and ordering the CNE to establish new norms for greater proportional legislative representation to ensure more “political pluralism.”
According to the CNE, 28 national political organizations, 52 regional parties and six representing indigenous peoples are currently approved to participate in the December election. The changes to electoral norms had been one of the topics discussed in the National Dialogue Roundtable between the government and a host of small opposition parties.
So Venezuelans get real representative democracy — despite the efforts of the US of A to crush it. The US fights democracy overseas, so they can preserve a form of dictatorship at home.
What to do? Don’t participate in a sham. By doing so, you validate it. Go to the streets instead. Organize. Strike.
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