Americans love kids. Especially Moms.
So, why are they condemning their kids to early death and / or endless misery?
Mommy cuddling little Johnny--just know that in twenty years, Johnny may be road kill -- literally-- shot to death and bleeding out on the side of the road, coughing his lungs out with some virus that makes Ebola look like summer fun. Or maybe frying in the sun like a slice of bacon from the heat shock. Did I mention drowning? What are the chances?
The probability of your kid surviving 2050 is somewhere between 20 and 40%. Those are scientific projections. Of course, there are people who don't believe in climate change -- or pandemics -- or economic collapse triggered by inequality at home and abroad. They believe in Santa and Easter Bunny, too.
Not withstanding the risks, middle class Americans vote for one of two political parties , that both want to put off doing anything to change things for 20 years. Too little, too late. A bit like smoking and saying, "Someday I will quit".
Give little Johnny a cigarette: he's going to die anyway. Murdered by Mommy. .
Ironically, middle class Americans spend loads of money to try and educate their kids for future "success", which should be spelled "suck-ess".
Mommy and Daddy agonize about whether they are doing the "right" things to rear their children--not so their kids can been well-rounded, happy human beings, of course--but so they can take their place in a cruel and demeaning marketplace, in which human life means nothing.
Ignored are:
a) climate change, pandemics, inequality, economic and political collapse, war.
c.) real "education" -- learning how to live or think or use information as human beings that care for one another, their community and environment more than personal gain.
c.) political activity to support parties like the new People's Party that provides alternatives to neoliberal capitalism and radical restructuring of social priorities.
Instead, Mom and Dad vote Democrat or Republican as if they had no choice. One every four years. How many elections to the End of the World?
The kids go to "good" schools, which are indoctrination and brainwashing centers so they can fit into a cruel and demeaning system set up to support a few sociopathic billionaires.
These kids have NO future! Without critical thinking skills, these kids are unlikely to survive when shit hits the fan.
Yes, Americans love their kids. But -- as toddlers only. They don't fucking care what happens to them as adults.
So, vote for Biden.
Or vote for Trump.
Immerse yourself in the Fool's Paradise offered by Mainstream Propaganda Machine and Hollywood
]Late, you can watch your kids die. In fact, you can die with them.
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