By their foreign policy thou shall know them

Confused about who to vote for?
By their foreign policy thou shall know them.
Simply speaking, foreign policy is the clearest indicator of principles . This is because foreign policy is about the "other", meaning people with whom you have no social relationship. Clearly, any foreign policy which defines whole populations to be "other than" Canadian, American, white, male, female, human...whatever -- reflect a lack of ethical principle. If you don't care about the millions dying in the Middle East -- which your country could do something about if it had the will, then you don't care about people in another town in your country, or possibly people down the street who are a different race or sexual orientation or religion.
Look at it this way. You are walking down the street. You see a man raping a young girl You happen to know him. But not her .
Possible responses:
"How ya' doing John" you say.
Or maybe: "Need a hand?"
Or maybe you keep on walking. You don't phone 911. Too much trouble You know him. You know it isn't good. But the girl doesn't matter enough to get involved -- because she is "other". Maybe there is another side to the story. Yeah, maybe.
People who support American foreign policy are like that. So are those who support Canadian, British, and Australian foreign policy.
They don't do the Evil -- but supporting it is in some ways worse because it continues it. Worse, they enjoy watching.
In Canada, all of the major political parties support the same "fuck'm - they're not us" foreign policies. That includes Justin, Jagmeet and Liz. Which means that all the people who vote for those parties feel the same way.
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