The Most Shameless of Nations
Almost every American I know is proud to be an American.
That applies to the political left as well as the right, not to mention the center --not to mention all the people who they say they are a-political.
What exactly does any citizen of the United States of America have to be proud of?
Americans didn't invent that and the US has never been a real democracy. Its founders in fact feared democracy - which is why the created the electoral college and a complicated political system that ensures that the rich and powerful will always rule.
The history of the US is that of an Evil Empire -- genocide, slavery of different kinds, racism, injustice, war and injustice. This is a country that has killed 20 million people since 1950, a large number of them innocent civilians, a nation where the "rule of law" is a parody.
If you're an American and proud of it - you should be ashamed -- of your country--but even more of yourself.
Granted there are lots of countries that are just as bad. A few that are worse. And the are countries whose people seem largely delusional, often for historical, cultural and religious reasons. But in this respect, America and Americans are truly "exceptional" -- with fewer excuses than most -- not just delusional but psychopathic on a national level.
A country is an institution. It cannot exist without people to support it. In the end, it is the citizens who are responsible, not governments or even the rich or powerful. Don't believe me. Believe Benjamin Franklin.
In the last American election how many people voted? Maybe 55%? Just a little over half of the population.
A lot of people stayed home saying" what's the difference between Trump and Hillary?"
Good point -- but they could have voted Green. The Green party offered a real-world progressive platform that promised honest change -- which is why they got only 3 % of the vote. Americans fear change -- all the while knowing that if you don't change things for the better, things change for the worse.
Trump got in because his base consisted of either Alt-Right crazies or people who were just plain pissed at the status quo. In the US, you don't have majority rule because the majority doesn't give a shit. You have rule by the most pissed. Either pissed off -- or just pissed on something.
Now, with the 2020 election coming we will probably see a repeat of the madness. Yes, the American people are mad -- or, if you like a politer form -- mentally ill. Trump is a beacon of ineptitude-- his only virtue a theatrical display of the evil of the empire of which he is Caesar. Opposing him, you have the Democrats, who differ little in terms of police. You do not have a real two party state in the US -- you just have factions of one party.
But there is choice. As I have said, people could have voted Green.
Is Trump dishonest? No, he is pretty open about his values -- or lack of them -- which is more than you can say for the Democrats -- and certainly the American people as a whole.
Imagine if Hillary had won the last election. Would things have been better? Of course, not.
Russophobia and Sinophobia would likely have been even worse. Americans need someone to hate. And it is not politic to hate Jews or Black people or the Krauts or the Japs anymore.
There would have been real possibility of war in Syria if Hillary had thought to try to ban the Russians from the skies. NAFTA would have passed and the trade war with China --inevitable given the policy of the Deep State -- would have worsened as a consequence. Western predatory capitalism and Chinese state managed capitalism differ in their assumptions and principles.
The US policy towards Venezuela and other liberal states in Latin American would not be much different -- just not as brazen -- the death of a thousand cuts rather than a brutal attack from behind with a garrote in the dead of night.
We saw what Hillary did to Honduras. That was the game plan.
Medicare. The US would be further from Medicare for All than today.
Hillary would have (arguably) been worse for the US -- but she would have placated the "center that semi-digested, junk-food bolus of public opinion on its way to the shitter. Would democrats be even talking about "democratic socialism" (aka liberalism)? Medicare? Would there be any AOC or Omar? Would there be a much discussion about Israeli interference in American elections and government?
Probably not.

Because the Hillary represented the Status Quo. I'm alright Jack. People want to think that everything is AOK, that nothing needs to be done, that they don't have to get up from the couch. The Center doesn't like change. Right or Left.
And so, the United States and its people remain -- shameless.
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