The AntiPolitician

Is Trump Original Sin?

 Is Donald Trump Hitler reborn?  Or the Devil?  Or the AntiChrist?

Yes, of course, he is.  ALL of them.

Reminds me of that rhyme I learned as a kid, “Jesus loves you.  How do you know?  The Bible tells you so”

Jesus' Workout Buddy

The Donald hates you.  How do you know?  The Media tell you so.

Of course, whenever the media are unanimous, except when writing about the cuteness of kittens, you know they are probably wrong – or maybe even malicious.


Trump is bombastic, a demagogue who says outrageous things.  Yet, if you look at his record – he see seems somewhat to the Left.  He likes Single Payer.  Doesn’t like foreign interventionism.  Likes Social Security.  Doesn’t like TPP.   He is supposed to be anti-Semitic and yet Sheldon Adelson, the UberZionist loves him.  
A Secret Socialist?

Why the contradictions?
It's ShowBiz, Baby!

Because this is show biz’ -- politics is really a media circus. 

Trump wanted to be President.  But he was an Outsider, unable to compete in a process set up for established politicians.  On the other hand, as the Tea Party showed, the republican base is unstable – diverse, emotional, and often uneducated.  And the GOP is crazy.   So Trump has campaigned as an anti-establishment politician – an anti-politician – the GOP’s every own Mad Max.

What Trump Learned from Mel Gibson
The more outrageous he is, the more his supporters think he is sincere, honest – one of them.   They love his craziness. Once his base has given allegiance, they will not waver – even if he moves to the Left.   They are True Believers.  And who the fuck really cares?  It’s Show Biz’.
Trump Supporters are Fashion Conscious

Will Trump move Left?

Is Trump a Commie?
Now imagine if Bernie had had the balls to do a Trump and stick it to the Hillary -- for her record of failures and her serial psychopathy.  HE would be the Democrat front runner.  Bernie, sad to say, just didn't have the imagination.  Keep in mind that Trump is still Left of Bernie on many issues, foreign policy being one.

Will Trump move Left once he the Yahoo vote propels him to the GOP nomination.  Yes, if he really wants to be President.  

And if he does, the Hillary might well lose. 
Barak: The Suckiest President Since?
Once upon a time, there was a man named Barak Obama.  He campaigned on "Change you can believe in".  Once in office, he became Bush Lite, in many respects worse than Bush.  Every Tuesday he kills people, authorizing drone strikes that he knows will kill women and children, and promote even more hate.

 Trump says hateful things.  Obama is hateful.  And the Hillary, if elected, promises to be ever so much worse.

'Nuff Said
For a longer and  very insightful article on why Trump will likely be the next president go here.

Seriously, this is one of, if not the best article I have ever seen on
  • politics
  • persuasion
  • the human mind 
Don't take my word for it.  Read it!  It is written by the creator of Dilbert.  This is an age of contradictions, in which only Ironicists (humorists) really have a grip on what is happening.


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